
Showing posts from January, 2021

Marriage In Africa: 5 Most Unusual African Marriage Traditions And Tribe

by Faidat Bello Wedding ceremony is an exceptionally respected tradition within Africa due to the deeply rooted appreciation for the concept of family all over the continent. To be discussed in this article are 5 traditional African Marriages that will totally stun you: The Nuer Wedding The groom is expected to bring 20-40 cows for his bride prior to or on the wedding day. The Nuer people are from Southern Sudan. The marriage is also not complete or secure until the woman is able to deliver at least two children. The marriage will be officially tied after the third child. The wife is given a time frame to give birth and if she’s not able to by the end of the time frame, the husband is allowed to seek for a divorce. Proceeding a decision to divorce, the man would get back at least 1 cattle from the bride’s family or custody of the first child. Ndzundza Ndebele of South Africa Their weddings are done in threefolds. A prerequisite for this traditional marriage is that the bride has to be

What Pastor Okotie, Patience Ozokwor, others have in common

By Tofarati Ige Quite a number of entertainers have said that they regard what they do as a ‘calling’ of sorts. This is because songs, movies and other forms of entertainment teach and ‘preach’ to people. However, some entertainers have taken things a step further by leaving the limelight for the altar, or combining both. Sunday Scoop takes a look at some of them Liz Benson Actress, Liz Benson, used to be the darling of many in Nigeria and beyond. Her gripping portrayal of her roles endeared her to movie lovers and she was regarded as one of the biggest actresses in the country.However, all of a sudden, Benson stopped appearing in movies and her fans were jolted to learn that she had become a pastor.She reportedly got ordained as an evangelist at the Rainbow Christian Assembly Church in Warri, Delta State. Till date, she co-pastors the church with her husband, Bishop Great Ameye. There is no doubt that fans of the former actress would still like to see her on the silver screen and she

The harrowing, step-by-step story of a migrant’s journey to Europe: What Nigerian Youth Go Through to Get To Europe

By Yomi Kazeem African Reporter   Nearly every part of the illegal journey a migrant makes from West Africa to Europe across the Sahara desert and the Mediterranean is filled with peril. But even a routine roll call, innocuous as it may seem, can turn into a recurring nightmare. Andrew (real name withheld), a Nigerian migrant with hopes of reaching Italy, found that out the hard way at Sabratha, a coastal town in northern Libya in February 2016. As desperate migrants are transported across borders through a vast illegal network, their smugglers carry out roll calls at regular intervals during the long convoluted itinerary to confirm every migrants’ journey has been fully paid up. While most migrants pay “agents”—the shady middlemen who make all the initial travel arrangements—at the start of their journey to arrange the trip all the way to Europe, these agents do not always pay the smugglers the full amount. When migrants duped by agents become stranded along the way, things turn ugly.