
Showing posts from February, 2022

Jaruma, Nwoko and the price of wealth.

By Sunday Attah For the past three days the Nigerian media and indeed lawyers have been throwing themselves over the sensational news of the arrest, remand and eventual bail of self-acclaimed sex therapist , Hauwa Saidu Mohammed alias Jaruma. Jaruma who was arrested and charged to court over libel and defamation charges on the 21st January, 2022 had been remanded in prison custody and had to spend 3 days pending hearing of the matter which lawyers and media sensationalists have feasted upon trying to throw shade on the matter and the delivery of justice. It will be wise to first and foremost try not to join the sensational bandwagon when trying to view this ongoing argument! There are facts and questions to be addressed in order to get to the root of this argument for and against. For the police to arrest a person there must be an established case of crime, so was there a case established against Hauwa Saidu Mohammed prior to her arrest by the police? It is established that neither the