
Showing posts from December, 2020


Ademola Olonilua While Nigeria can boast of Emmanuella Samuel as its biggest kid comedian, Kenya can now brag about the latest kid comedian in town, Bridget Bema.  With her recent skit, which went viral a few days ago, Bema can now sit on the same table with Emmanuella who has held sway as one of the funniest children in Africa, with numerous awards and brands endorsements to show for it. Although the yardstick in comparison is still wide apart as Emanuella has about 570,000 Instagram followers while Bema who recently opened her Instagram account commands a following of about 20,000 people.  Regardless, the latest internet sensation seems to be off to a good start.   Her stardom had been oblivious to this part of Africa till some days back but ever since her comedy skit went viral in Nigeria, the question has been who is this mischievous little girl that reminds us of Emanuella? More interesting is the fact that her rise to fame via her skits seem similar to Emmanuella’s, which is the