
Showing posts from May, 2021

Female fans free to admire my husband from afar — Temitope Ayefele

Mobola Sadi Your husband has often said that he believes he would walk again. How optimistic are you about this? I also believe that my husband would walk again. There is nothing impossible for God to do, and does things at his appointed time. I am very optimistic about him walking again by the grace of God. Musicians have a lot of female fans and admirers. How have you been coping with that? They are welcome to be his fans and they can also admire him. My husband is a very good looking man; a super star and hard-working person. They can like and admire him though from a distance because if you come too close they will be burnt by the ‘fire of the Holy Ghost’. My husband looks good and nice all the time and that has cost me a lot of time and affection. But on a lighter note, I have never been bothered about my husband’s so-called admirers. I love and respect his fans. I did not marry anybody’s husband. I married the husband of my youth, and God has lightened my path all the way. How ro

Female fans free to admire my husband from afar — Temitope Ayefele

Your husband has often said that he believes he would walk again. How optimistic are you about this? I also believe that my husband would walk again. There is nothing impossible for God to do, and does things at his appointed time. I am very optimistic about him walking again by the grace of God. Musicians have a lot of female fans and admirers. How have you been coping with that? They are welcome to be his fans and they can also admire him. My husband is a very good looking man; a super star and hard-working person. They can like and admire him though from a distance because if you come too close they will be burnt by the ‘fire of the Holy Ghost’. My husband looks good and nice all the time and that has cost me a lot of time and affection. But on a lighter note, I have never been bothered about my husband’s so-called admirers. I love and respect his fans. I did not marry anybody’s husband. I married the husband of my youth, and God has lightened my path all the way. How romantic is yo


If you have not been to Twitter and Instagram lately, you better hurry there to read one of the most powerful exchanges between a dear brave daughter, Pamela Ifejoku  and a lying bullynaire, Ned Nwoko. Pamela Uzor Ifejoku, Most Beautiful Girl In Nigerian Tourism 2019 is the daughter of Okey Ifejoku who is currently languishing in the Asaba detention center. Okey Ifejoku is among about 18 persons fraudulently charged with murder and terrorism in 2017. Pamela’s trending posts have forced Ned Nwoko to respond and commit a strategic blunder. This may be who will bring truth and justice to Idumuje Ugboko. Ned Nwoko dey fear this brave babe. Please read her narratives: " Ned Nwoko has consistently used proxies to do his dirty and fraudulent charges, in concert with dubious Nigerian police to lock up innocent men, including my father from Idumuje Ugboko for the murder that never happened or existed. How can one man be murdered so many times by different men and at different locations? Ye

When couples become roommates, not sex partners,What to do.

By Funmi Akingbade A few days ago I got a call from one of my numerous readers, a couple who wanted to see me by all means despite the heavy downpour. I insisted the appointment could be rescheduled due to the heavy rain but they insisted on seeing me. On getting to my office the wife spoke first; ‘she said they wanted to see me because of the question their eight-year-old son’s posted to them which they could not honestly answer. Their son had asked: “why does daddy always sleep on the couch?” in the middle of the couple’s conversation.She continued: “We raised eyebrows at each other across the table, and looked at each other knowing fully that our little boy spilled the “secret” of our sexual dryness and drifting apart. Even though my husband tried to make him believe otherwise by saying “Your mom and I still sleep in our bed together,” but the boy quickly replied “Just not always anymore.” “This is why we are here the wife said. We want you to tell us all we need to know so as not t