Why I didn’t ‘bleach’ my skin –Adediwura BlarkGold

Mobola Sadiq
Actress, Adediwura Adesegha, aka Adediwura BlarkGold, has said she stuck with her dark skin and did not opt for skin lightening because she did not want to lose her self-esteem and dignity.

She told Saturday Beats, “I stayed true to my skin colour because I have confidence. I do not want to lose my self-pride, self-esteem and self-dignity. I’m a role model to the younger ones in my family and I chose to lay a good example, especially to the ones that are girls. I belong to the black race and we are proud of our colour. Lastly, I respect God and appreciate the skin colour he chose for me. Don’t forget that everyone has a choice about how they want to look.

“A fulfilling life comes from following one’s creative and emotional desire, and having a certain level of comfort. People have different desires and tolerances. Therefore, some actors will be more fulfilled than others. I am 30 per cent fulfilled. It is a long journey and I am not halfway there.”

The curvy actress who also stated that she would never opt for cosmetic surgery. She said, “I can never go under the knife for cosmetic surgery. Even to take injections, I scream and panic before taking them. The needle scares me to the bone. At 43, I have no regrets and I have never made mistakes in my relationships, either past or present. Some people expect celebrity marriages or relationships not to last but break-ups happen daily, whether one is a celebrity, pastor, or an ordinary human. Whatever will be will be. That it works for ‘A’ does not mean it will work for ‘B’. I don’t put my nose in people’s lives. I would rather go to their social media pages and appreciate whatever they post. I care less about how they got it (property they posted). That’s because I do not live with them. I do not know their worth and I do not monitor their bank accounts.”


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